The Fugio Cent, also known as the Franklin cent, minted in 1787, is universally recognized in numismatic circles as the first official coinage of the United States.
Extremely rare and popular, the EID MAR coins are without a doubt ones of antiquity’s most famous coin series and fetch remarkably high prices today. But why did Brutus issue the EID MAR coins?
Finding an owl in ancient Athens was no big task. The bird could be easily spotted on the trees of Attica at night or the pockets of its people during the day.
It is likely that everyone has seen at least one USPS commemorative stamp they like. How does a person, monument or other subject find its way onto one of the postal service’s commemorative stamps?
If you’re seeking a new investment asset, silver coins might be the perfect option. Investing in precious metals is an excellent way to diversify your overall asset portfolio.
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